Artículos de revistas científicas y profesionales Isabella Peters
Artículos revisados por pares
Haustein, S., Peters, I., Bar-Ilan, J., Priem, J., Shema, H., & Terliesner, J. (2014). Coverage and adoption of altmetrics sources in the bibliometric community. Scientometrics, 101(2), 1145-1163.
Haustein, S., Larivière, V., Thelwall, M., Amyot, D. Peters, I. (2014). Tweets vs. Mendeley readers: How do these two social media metrics differ? IT – Information Technology, 56(5): 207-215.
Holmberg, K., Bowman, T. D., Haustein, S., & Peters, I. (2014). Astrophysicists' conversational connections on twitter. PloS one, 9(8), e106086.
Haustein, S., Bowman, T.D., Holmberg, K., Peters, I., Larivière, V. (2014). Astrophysicists on Twitter: An in-depth analysis of tweeting and scientific publication behavior. Aslib Journal of Information Management. 66(3): 279-296
Haustein, S., Peters, I., Thelwall, M., Sugimoto, C.R., Larivière, V. (2014). Tweeting biomedicine: an analysis of tweets and citations in the biomedical literature. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(4): 656–669.
Haustein, S. & Peters, I. (2012). Using social bookmarks and tags as alternative indicators of journal content description. First Monday, 17(11).